Square Cards Online Class – It’s HIP to be SQUARE!
Pre-launch sale pricing is on now until 7pm Eastern Thursday 2 May 2024 – Square Cards! Take a simple shape and use it as the basis to make some NOT so simple looking cards!

Each project will have a pre-recorded, edited video taking you through the step-by-step process of creating the cards, and there’s an option to purchase a printable PDF for those that like written instructions (with photos). Each of these square cards has a little something “extra” to make them even more special!
The class will launch Thursday 2 May at 7pm Eastern. If you purchase the class from now until class launch, you’ll pay just $20CAD for lifetime access. The class will be still be available to purchase after 2 May 24, but you’ll pay the full price of $30CAD. Still a good deal, but not quite as good! LOL.
Visit https://go.yamstampsmore.com/square to learn more and to register! Please contact me if you have any questions about this class or any of my online classes – you can see all the currently available online classes at YamStampsMore.com.