How I spent my summer vacation even though summer has just begun!
Hello! I’m here with my essay about how I spent my summer vacation….and a few photos to make it more interesting! (Also to apologize for the bit of blog silence….since lots of words take me lots of time – which is why I can keep up with the YamStamps Facebook Page a little more easily – less words!!).
You may or may not know that in addition to YamStamps, I work in healthcare and I also volunteer as a photographer with our city’s youth marching band, the Burlington Teen Tour Band. I was a member of the band when I was a teen (just a few years ago….*cough*), and then became involved again when my son joined the band. I did some chaperoning and then got to be one of the volunteer photographers. Five years later, my son left the band and went to university, and I stayed on as a photographer!!
My summer vacation was spent travelling with the band to England and France, since they were invited to be representatives of Canadian youth at the Juno Beach Ceremonies to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Such a meaningful tour and such an honour for the band to be able to perform for veterans, including Lieutenant General Richard Rohmer who recently turned 100 years old and is a patron of the band.

haha! This is a cheeky selfie I took quickly after taking the group photo. I can take photos….but I’m not so good at selfies!
Of course, we also had time to do some sightseeing and souvenir shopping… I am still working on editing photos from the trip but have managed to get some uploaded. You can find the Burlington Teen Tour Band website here and there’s links to the photo website on there as well.

However, it was lots of fun, and the “real” photos I took turned out pretty well I think.

This was a FANTASTIC crepe that I had while in France! Good thing we did so much walking while we were there!!! (For those keeping track, I usually avoid dairy and gluten, however I have some supplements that I can take that help me tolerate them on occasion, and this was an occasion!!).

I don’t know if you can read the sign on the shop front, but it’s “STAMP”! I have no clue what the shop sells, but I liked its name…even on vacation I can’t get away! It’s my reminder to get back to crafting! Come back to to see some more crafty posts!