Get on the list if you need some crafting inspiration!

Each week, I send out crafty tutorials, tips and information to YamStamps Subscribers. If you need some crafting inspiration (and let’s face it, who couldn’t use a little inspiration??!!) be sure to be subscribed! You can sign up using the various methods here on – the box on the homepage, the box at the top right of the blog page, via the fun chatbot or yes, that pop up. I just wanted to give you plenty of chances to get subscribed LOL!! If you sign up before Tuesday 4 June, this is one of the project tutorials you’ll receive…

need some crafting inspiration

When you first sign up for the newsletter, you’ll get access to an exclusive video tutorial. You’ll also receive the current month’s multi-project issue. At the beginning of each month, I sent out a newsletter with lots of information and multiple project tutorials, and then in the following weeks, it’s usually a single project tutorial with some updates. Each tutorial features a photo of the completed project, a supply list, and step by step instructions.

I know that I love being creative and seeing how things turn out, but there are times when I just want to make something pretty and not think too hard….so tutorials and step by step instructions are fantastic for that! They’re also a great way to get new design ideas and learn some new techniques.

So if you need some crafting inspiration, would like to get updates on crafting sales and general crafting tips, please be sure to sign up for the YamStamps Newsletter! Next issue goes out on Tuesday!

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